Online Unbalance Detection and Diagnosis on Large Flexible Rotors by SVR and ANN trained by Dynamic Multibody Simulations


  • Oscar García Peyrano Balseiro Institute, Cuyo National University, Argentina & GPSignal, Argentina
  • Juan Vignolo National Atomic Energy Commission, Argentina
  • Rodrigo Mayer National Atomic Energy Commission, Argentina
  • Matias Marticorena Balseiro Institute, Cuyo National University, Argentina & National Atomic Energy Commission, Argentina



condition monitoring, steam turbine, mechanical unbalance, machine learning.


Multiple-stage steam turbine generators, like those found in nuclear power plants, pose special challenges with regards to mechanical unbalance diagnosis. Several factors contribute to a complex vibrational response, which can lead to incorrect assessments if traditional condition monitoring strategies are used without considering the mechanical system as a whole. This, in turn, can lead to prolonged machinery downtime. Several machine learning techniques can be used to integrally correlate mechanical unbalance along the shaft with transducer signals from rotor bearings. Unfortunately, this type of machinery has scarce data regarding faulty behavior. However, a variety of fault conditions can be simulated in order to generate these data using computational models to simulate the dynamic response of individual machines. In the present work, a multibody model of a 640 MW steam turbine flexible rotor is employed to simulate mechanical unbalance in several positions along the shaft. Synchronous components of the resulting vibration signals at each bearing are obtained and utilized as training data for two regression models designed for mechanical unbalance diagnosis. The first approach uses an artificial neural network and the second one utilizes a support vector regression algorithm. In order to test their performance, the stiffness of each bearing in the multibody simulation was altered between 50% and 150% of the training model values, random noise was added to the signal and several dynamic unbalance conditions were simulated. Results show that both approaches can reliably diagnose dynamic rotor unbalance even when there is a typical degree of uncertainty in bearing stiffness values.

Conflict of Interest Statement
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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How to Cite

García Peyrano, O., Vignolo, J., Mayer, R., & Marticorena, M. (2022). Online Unbalance Detection and Diagnosis on Large Flexible Rotors by SVR and ANN trained by Dynamic Multibody Simulations. Journal of Dynamics, Monitoring and Diagnostics, 1(3), 139–147.



Special Issue( Machine Learning and AI in Fault Diagnostics)