Peer Review Process

The Journal of Dynamics, Monitoring and Diagnostics is a formally peer-reviewed journal. All publications in the journal undergo a single-blind peer review process where authors don't know the identity of the reviewers.

  1. Staffs of the editorial office first review the submitted manuscript, called an initial review. It will be desk evaluated whether the submitted manuscript is suitable for the Journal of Dynamics, Monitoring and Diagnostics based on focus and scope, similarity score by using Crosscheck-iThenticate, methodological flaw, readability of the articles, and adhering to the submitted paper template.
  2. Furthermorethe manuscript will be sent to Associate Editors who will invite at least 2 external reviewers. Once the Associate Editors submit their recommendation and the reviews, the Editors-in-Chief will review the recommendation and make a final decision.
  3. The accepted manuscript then continues to the copyediting and layout editing process to prepare the camera-ready paper.

Special Issue Process

Articles published in a special issue must adhere to the same evaluation criteria and publication ethics as a regular article published in the journal. The peer review process for a special issue manuscript also follows the same peer review process as a regular manuscript submitted to the journal.

  1. Manuscripts submitted as part of a special issue will be assigned to a guest editor instead of an Associate Editor to manage the peer review process. A guest editor is an expert in a sub-topic who is invited by an Editor-in-Chief, in consultation with the editorial board, to provide specialized leadership for a particular special issue. For example, when a special issue manuscript is submitted, it first goes through an initial review by the editorial office before it is assigned to a guest editor to evaluate it and select at least 2 external reviewers.
  2. If the manuscript’s author is a guest editor, it will be assigned to another, independent guest editor and it must meet the same criteria for evaluation as all other manuscripts.

Review Decisions

The staffs of the editorial office are permitted to take the following actions in the stage of initial review:

  1. Return the paper without review because the paper is outside the scope of the journal.
  2. Return the paper without review because of the lack of readability of the article.
  3. Return the paper without review because the technical content is insufficient.
  4. Return the paper without review because the paper grossly exceeds the length limitations.

Editors-in-Chief review the comments made by associate editors and reviewers and is allowed to make the following decisions:

  1. Accept
  2. Revise
  3. Reject

After submitting revisions to the journal, authors are required to submit a rebuttal to the reviewer comments. Authors should fully address all reviewer comments, if an author does not agree with the change requested, the author should explain the reason in the rebuttal. If Editors-in-Chief feel that reviewer comments have been ignored, the Editors-in-Chief may reject the revised article.


Plagiarism Detection

The Journal of Dynamics, Monitoring and Diagnostics uses the Similarity Check service provided by Crossref and powered by iThenticate to provide editors with a user-friendly tool to help detect plagiarism. Results returned by the software may be used as a criterion for the analysis of the manuscript by the editorial board and may eventually result in a rejection due to plagiarism and/or duplicate publication.

The CrossRef Similarity Check uses iThenticate originality detection software to identify text similarities that may indicate plagiarism. It does this by comparing manuscripts with both a web repository and the CrossRef database.